Alexander Awarded Gamer of the Week Honors


Teays Physical Therapy Center, Inc. and The Putnam Herald are pleased to present this week’s Female Gamer of the Week to Junior, Sydne Alexander of the Winfield High School soccer team.

The Winfield Generals are 6-3-3 as they continue the season sitting at number 3 in the Cardinal Conference. The Generals are currently being led by forward/attacking mid #22 Sydne Alexander as one of the teams’ captains. Alexander has 8 goals and 7 assists on this season. “Sydne is a great all-around player. She has extreme knowledge of the game, is very technically sound, and a vision for executing great plays. She will go on exceeding through high school, travel, and at the next level. I look forward to watching her succeed on and off the field.” said head coach Jade Lewis.

 Alexander has only played soccer for roughly 5-6 years but her favorite thing about the sport is how competitive it is. Her love for the game developed as she watched her aunt excel on the soccer field at both the high school and collegiate level. Sydne said that she has looked up to her aunt in all aspects since she was 5 years old and playing for makes her not only a better player but a better person as well. When not playing for the Generals, Sydne is a member of the Eastern Elite travel team.

 Sydne’s individual goals for the remainder of the season includes being a good captain and continuing to score more goals. Team goals that Alexander has is winning sectionals, regionals, and a state title for Winfield. She believes the success her team has had this season comes from the amount of effort and heart being put into each game as well as the ability to effectively pass the ball and remain in possession. Off the field Alexander is a member of the pep club and bible club at Winfield High School. Sydne also uses her time to volunteer at youth soccer camps over the summer. Alexander’s plans after high school include continuing her soccer career and pursuing a career in medicine. The Lady Generals will be back in action Thursday September 28th at 6pm versus Nitro High School at Underwood Field.

Please look for other local high school athletes to be named in next week’s female Gamer of the Week Sponsored by Teays Physical Therapy Center, Inc., and The Putnam Herald.